We created zero waste play structures from discarded baby clothes. Using the articles of clothing that don't get reused the most according to Sociale Kruideniers, those being baby clothes and socks. The end product combines color and form studies. The process was guided by the waste material, keeping the original form and the story of the garment.

The open-ended play structures allow children to find their own way of creating. With our project, we propose 5 building blocks that leave the play rules to be decided by the child. By attaching, making knots, folding... the children find their own way of playing.
Children can explore their creativity freely. There are no instructions, rules or guides for children to follow. There is no right answer or the right way. The decision-making is up to the child.

Irene Jans
Kille-Ingeri Liivoja
Leen Stoffels
Mona Olbrechts
Steffi Haeck
Zsa-Zsa Oosterlynck
Cinte Wittoek